Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tips for a healthy skin | What is How to

Some women are just blessed with nice glowing skin, but what about all the others that have to work hard and take special care to have their skin look healthy. You don?t really have to wait for your skin to start showing sun damage or wrinkles to begin taking proper care of it. In fact, the earlier you start doing it the better it is. There are many smart moms that teach their daughters the skin care routines they themselves follow, from a very young age. This ensures that the daughters make the routine part of their daily rituals and inculcate the habit of taking care of their skin. If your mom hasn?t passed down any skincare secrets, and you find yourself wondering what to do or even considering a particular skin treatment, here are a few simple tips you can follow to make all the difference to your skin and also the way you feel.

You will find this first tip in almost every article about healthy skin, so start following this skincare routine today. There are four steps to this. Cleansing, exfoliating, toning, and moisturizing. No matter what type of skin you have doing these things is a must. Also, ensure that the products you use are hypo-allergic, not expired, and are of good quality.

Exercise and proper diet can help you look young and vibrant for years, so watch what you eat and make sure you get at least three hours of cardiovascular exercise every week. Eating salads and foods that are high in protein, fiber and vitamins is always better than anything on the menu that is fried or processed. Avoid junk food completely. And make sure your body is always well-hydrated with water or natural fruit juices.

Most of us lead busy lives. The minute we get up and have a shower, our face is slathered with a ton of makeup, which is kept on and even retouched several times until we reach home in the evening or night. If the day has been especially stressful or bad, the makeup stays on all night even. Well, this has to change. You must let your skin breathe and stay clean as much as possible. This translates into avoiding makeup for as long as possible. Using products that let the skin breathe and taking the makeup off as soon as you step into your front door.

People who pick at their skin or constantly touch their face tend to have worse skin than those who don?t. There is a lesson here. Do not touch your face unless absolutely necessary. This will prevent germs and dirt from your hands to not get on your face. Also avoid having your hand on your face while sleeping. You may also keep your skin dirt-free by changing your pillow covers and bed sheets from time to time.

Dandruff can be a major cause in having skin problems. Thus, it is imperative that you get the proper skin treatment or medication for it in case you cannot do anything about the scalp condition. In many cases, simply switching to a anti-dandruff shampoo and conditioner is enough.

Getting your 8 hours is most essential for healthy and beautiful skin. Stress-free sleep that is relaxing and rejuvenating can do wonders for your skin and overall health. To get proper sleep you must make sure that your bedroom is pitch dark and there is no sound. If your neighborhood is noisy and the blinds still let street lights in, get a pair of earmuffs or earplugs and go out shopping for thicker blinds.

Skin aging can happen due to sun damage and that?s why it is important to do whatever you can to protect it. Make using a sunscreen lotion a habit. Also use sunglasses or a sun umbrella to protect your body and eyes from the harmful rays.

Writing has always been a habit for Joe, who has over the years been a freelance writer for a number of websites, magazines and a local newspaper. He likes writing about real estate, diamonds, fitness, medical treatments, Skincare and insurance. His blogs are aimed to be informative and helpful. Having a family member practicing cosmetology, he also writes about various skin treatments available on the market today.




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War crimes prosecutor Del Ponte joins Syria probe

GENEVA (AP) ? The U.N.'s top human rights body on Friday named renowned former U.N. war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte to its independent panel probing alleged war crimes in Syria's 18-month conflict.

Her appointment came as a sign of stepped-up efforts to gather evidence against members of Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.

The U.N. Human Rights Council also voted to extend by six months the mission of its probe.

The panel, whose mandate was due to expire within days, has blamed Syria's government forces for the majority of serious abuses since the uprising began in March 2011.

Activists say some 30,000 people have died in Syria since the uprising began. In addition, hundreds of thousands have fled the violence, many going across the border to Turkey.

The collected evidence could one day be used in a war crimes tribunal hearing ? although none is so far planned at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands.

Last week, the panel led by Brazilian professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro submitted a confidential second list of suspected war crimes perpetrators to the U.N. human rights office.

Del Ponte, a former Swiss attorney general, has previously served as prosecutor of the international war crimes tribunals probing atrocities in Rwanda and Yugoslavia. Along with Del Ponte, the Council also named Vitit Muntarbhorn, a Thai professor who has investigated human rights in North Korea.

Members of the 47-nation Human Rights Council voted 41 to three in favor of a resolution put forward by Arab states to extend the panel's mission until the council's next session in March. Russia, China and Cuba opposed the resolution and three countries abstained.

Syria's ambassador, Faysal Khabbaz Hamoui, denounced the resolution and lashed out at those who backed it ? in particular Arab states who are funding Syrian opposition fighters.

"They have decided to draft a resolution that is very tolerant to al-Qaida," he said, insisting that Syria will "never become an extremist Islamic emirate."

The U.S. ambassador, Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe, said that the investigative panel "has been doing its job" ? notably to turn up information that could one day be used to prosecute those behind Syria's bloodshed.

The panel's members "will help ensure that this will not be a case where impunity prevails, but rather that those responsible for these crimes against the Syrian people will face justice and accountability," she said.


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Friday. Here's a picture of Jon Hamm with a mustache ...

Buzzfeed just Tweeted the following picture of Jon Hamm with a mustache wearing a cowboy hat. I have no idea where it?s from, or why it exists, but I also do not question the existence of rainbows or cookies ?n cream ice cream.

Happy Friday.


Heather McLane wishes she was at Disneyland right now. Email her at

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Macedonia Still Guarding Public Information, NGO Says :: Balkan ...

Macedonia's information law is good in theory, but poor implementation means it is of little practical use, Open Society Macedonia said in its latest analysis.

Its study shows that roughly 40 per cent of all requests for public information get caught up in an appeals process.

?Holders of information use general or vague answers to skillfully avoid disclosing the data that is requested,? Dance Danailova, from the foundation, says.

?In many cases, they point people to web pages, even though the requested information is obviously not contained there,? Danailova added.

Open Society Macedonia says institutions are particularly reluctant to disclose data contained in more than one document.?

Instead of following the law and forwarding all the documents of potential use to the applicant, in many cases they ignore that part of the request.

The NGO's analysis shows that municipal institutions are especially inert when it comes to releasing information.

Open Society advises increasing the budget for the field of information provision and training institutions in how to handle information requests.

The analysis was based on a representative sample of over 700 public information requests.


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Fifth Circuit upholds Texas Open Meetings Act (Offthekuff)

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Researchers investigate aggression among kindergartners

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? Not all aggressive children are aggressive for the same reasons, according to Penn State researchers, who found that some kindergartners who are aggressive show low verbal abilities while others are more easily physiologically aroused. The findings suggest that different types of treatments may be needed to help kids with different underlying causes for problem behavior.

"Aggressive responses to being frustrated are a normal part of early childhood, but children are increasingly expected to manage their emotions and control their behavior when they enter school," said Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, assistant professor of human development and family studies. "Kids who don't do this well, who hit their classmates when they are frustrated or cause other types of disturbances in the classroom, are at especially high risk for long-term consequences including delinquency, violence, dropping out of school, abusing substances and even suicide. Research tells us that the earlier we can intervene, the better the chances of getting these children back on track."

Gatzke-Kopp and her colleagues, who include Mark Greenberg, professor of human development and family studies and of psychology, asked each of the kindergarten teachers in all 10 of the elementary schools in Pennsylvania's Harrisburg School District to rate the aggressive behaviors of their students on a six-point scale with items such as "gets in many fights" and "cruelty, bullying or meanness to others." Using these data, the team recruited a group of high-risk children (207 children) and a group of low-risk children (132 children) to undergo a range of neurobiological measures aimed at understanding how aggressive children experience and manage emotions differently than their non-aggressive classmates.

The team assessed all of the children's cognitive and academic skills using standardized tests that identified the children's developmental level of vocabulary, spatial reasoning and memory. In addition, the team asked teachers to provide ratings of each child's behaviors, including their levels of aggression, disobedience and sadness, as well as their social skills and level of self-control in the classroom.

The researchers also assessed the children's brain functioning using a mobile research laboratory they brought to the schools. Within the mobile lab, the team measured the children's heart rate and skin conductance activity during tasks designed to elicit emotional responses, including showing the children short video clips of a cartoon character in a variety of situations depicting fear, sadness, happiness and anger. The researchers wanted to understand how emotional and physical arousal to different types of emotions differed between children who engage in aggressive behavior and children who don't engage in aggressive behavior, as well as how different children who engage in aggressive behavior react.

According to Gatzke-Kopp, the assessments enabled the researchers to understand how cognitive and emotional processing may contribute to the development of aggressive tendencies. Specifically, the team found that 90 percent of the aggressive kids in the study could be characterized as either low in verbal ability or more easily physiologically aroused. The results will appear in the August 2012 issue of Development and Psychopathology.

"What we may be seeing is that there are at least two different routes through which a child may act aggressively," Gatzke-Kopp said. "Because these are very different processes, these children may need different approaches to changing their behavior."

The first group of kids was characterized by lower verbal ability, lower levels of cognitive functioning and fewer executive function skills.

According to Gatzke-Kopp, children need verbal skills to understand the feelings of others and guidance from adults, and to express feelings without hitting. They also need adequate cognitive and executive-function abilities to manipulate information and to think of alternatives to hitting and fighting.

"This group of kids may be functioning at a cognitive level that is more akin to a preschooler than a kindergartner," Gatzke-Kopp said. "They have a harder time extracting what other people are feeling. They don't have a nuanced sense of emotions; everything is either happy or sad to them. So they might not be as good at recognizing how their behavior is making another child feel. They may literally have a hard time 'using their words,' so hitting becomes an easier solution when they are frustrated."

The second group of kids had good verbal and cognitive functioning, but they were more physiologically aroused. They were more emotionally reactive, and tended to have more stressors in their lives.

"These children may be able to tell you that if somebody pushed them on the playground they would go get a teacher, but the push happens and they kind of lose it and it doesn't matter what they should do, they just act on impulse," Greenberg said. "One possibility is that the threshold for managing frustration is quite low for these kids. So what we might consider a minor annoyance to them is a major threat. When they are calm they function very well, but when they lose control of their emotions, they can't control their behavior."

In the future, the team plans to examine how these different types of children respond to an intervention delivered over the second half of kindergarten and the first half of first grade.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health funded this research. Other authors of the paper include Christine Fortunato, postdoctoral fellow, and Michael Coccia, statistical consultant, both in the Penn State Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Penn State.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Amazon Rejects Apple?s Claim That Its Use Of ?App Store? Is False Advertising

images-screenshots-captures-amazon-appstore-logo-21032011_00B4000000001978Flashback! Remember this one? Last year, Apple filed a trademark lawsuit against Amazon, claiming that Amazon's use of the term "App Store" (as in "Amazon Appstore") could contribute to confusion among consumers as it was not, as Amazon believes, "a generic term." Other app store providers like Microsoft and Google have made a point to brand their app stores differently?by calling them the Windows Marketplace and the Android Market (now Google Play), respectively, just to be on the safe side. But Amazon has stuck to its guns, saying that the phrase should not be subject to trademark protection. The case is still underway, and in a filing on Wednesday with the U.S. District Court in Oakland, California, Amazon has asked a federal judge to reject Apple's "false advertising" claim.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dating For Dummies | Speed Dating 101

[unable to retrieve full-text content]With dating advice for singletons in all stages of life (including baby boomers), you'll get the confidence to date someone who is significantly older or younger, someone who has been previously married, or someone with children. Author Dr. Joy Browne, America's favorite psychologist, demystifies the whole dating process, from getting a date, plotting the place, and having a great time (or dealing with duds) to moving beyond a first date toward a budding relationship.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Proposed Communications Tower Sparks Controversy In Arnold ...

Posted on: 8:49 pm, September 25, 2012, by Shawndrea Thomas, updated on: 10:23pm, September 25, 2012

call tower

ARNOLD, MO (KTVI)? Controversy in the city of Arnold as residents protest a proposed communications tower in their neighborhood.

The communications tower would be built on the property owned by Declue and Sons Tree Car. Residents don`t dispute the purpose of the tower just the location.

A public hearing sign stands on the corner of Wicks and Telegraph Road in Arnold for drivers. Jefferson County 911 wants to install a new 300 foot communications tower on a piece of land close to homes. The only problem is the people who live nearby say it`s a hazard.? Rebecca Thomas is worried about how the towers can affect her health, property values and more.

?They have the 1- inch gas line right up there where anything can happen with a 19-inch gas line,? said Thomas.

We stopped by the Jefferson County 911 center to find out why the towers are needed.

Chief Travis Williams says the answer is simple. The towers are part of an FCC mandate to create a new state of the art radio communications system for emergency crews. It?s needed to link Jefferson County to, St. Louis County, St. Louis city, St. Charles and other counties in Illinois. Williams says there are 18 towers needed in Jefferson County so far 8 are approved. The total cost is $30 million.

?It?s for emergency responders, local Arnold police, law enforcement, sheriff`s department, EMS it?s for all of them,? said Williams.

Arnold`s planning commission denied the first tower proposal, now city council members have to make a final decision at their next meeting set for October 18th.


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Chicago Symphony musicians settle strike |

And just like that, the Chicago Symphony musicians settled their strike. From the Chicago Tribune:
"They entered the negotiating room in the Chicago Symphony Association's lawyer's office at 2 p.m. Monday, and by about 6:45 p.m. a tentative agreement had been reached in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's first musicians strike in 21 years.

"The orchestra announced shortly before 8 p.m. that the CSO musicians and management had reached an accord for a three-year collective bargaining agreement, to take effect retroactively on Sept. 17. The previous contract expired Sept. 16.

"...The strike became the latest in a series of labor disputes among big-city American orchestras. The tumultuous six-month Detroit Symphony Orchestra strike ended in April 2011 with the musicians accepting a reported 25 percent pay cut. The Philadelphia Orchestra, where Muti was music director from 1980 to 1992, emerged from bankruptcy protection in July and still faces formidable challenges.

"Members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra have been locked out since Aug. 25, and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians have been locked out since Sept. 8 amid management proposals of large salary and benefits cuts. The Minneapolis-St. Paul-based Star Tribune reported that the Minnesota Orchestra's musicians and management were meeting with a federal mediator Monday, six days before the union's contract was set to expire, with management initially proposing to slash musicians' average salaries from $135,000 to $89,000."
-- David Stabler


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Most Property Owners With Small Bathroom Designs Probably Want ...

Most property owners with small bathroom designs probably want they had a more luxurious area but the reality is that frequently it is merely not feasible. The key to attaining a well developed small bathroom is to make it feel more roomy. Make small rest room designs seem larger than reality by visually opening up the space.

Right here are some small bathroom ideas to consider?

Reduce Clutter: Maintain your bathroom organized and eliminate all the unnecessary products from your little rest room design. The initial step is to go via all your individual and hygiene products. What is expired? What have you been keeping just in situation? What could be stored somewhere else? Based on your personal needs, determine what must stay in the rest room for you to stay functional and what is merely pointless. Some bathroom accessories can will produce a lot of clutter and make business extremely difficult.

Dimension of Fixtures: Fixtures generally come in regular dimensions but if you have a sink established in a big vainness device or a full dimension bathtub, think about some alternate design options. Perhaps rather of the sink and vainness combo, eliminate the storage device and replace the current sink with a freestanding fixture. This will visually open up the area and is a popular answer being adopted by numerous expert designers. Another idea when remodeling little loos is to remove the complete dimension bathtub and replace it with a standing shower enclosure. These small rest room suggestions may not be an optimal answer if you use the bathtub frequently but in some homes this might be a ideal answer to produce more usable area.

Corner Area: Corner areas are often not taken benefit of in most small rest room styles. These spaces are fantastic for corner vanities and sinks as nicely as storage units. Maintain in thoughts that if you are relocating the place of an existing sink, relocating the plumbing can be expensive. Consider the professionals and disadvantages of this answer to figure out if the final result is really worth the cost.

Vertical Area: Take benefit of the vertical space available in your small rest room. Rather of a vanity device consider integrating a tall storage cabinet. This will give you a lot more storage by taking up the exact same amount of floor area. A vertical towel drying rack is also a great solution. This will give you much more area for your towels with out taking up an whole size of wall.

Avoid Bulky Storage Cupboards: Over sized storage cupboards can include a great deal of visible weight to a small rest room. If storage area is a necessary component in your space consider built-in units. This can entail complete peak cabinets as well as open up nooks or shelves. Determine where the wall studs lay in your room and you?ll discover the perfect region (or locations) for including built-in models.

Lighting: Adding adequate lights levels can be a simple addition to any little rest room reworking project. For common overall lights think about recessed ceiling fixtures. This kind of fixture is a great way to broaden the peak of the ceiling. Surface mounted fixtures as well as hanging instant can make the ceiling look lower and the space feel more crowded.

Consider wall sconces or a clean line track light method if you have a freestanding sink with no vanity. Avoid cumbersome fixtures that might appear also heavy for the small space.

Vanities and storage units can be a fantastic place for accent lights. By maintaining the small space well lit, it will instantly seem larger.

An additional great addition to any little bathroom is natural light. If this is a chance in your space, add a window or skylight.

Supplies & Finishes: To make a rest room look larger use lighter and more delicate colors when choosing paint, wallpaper, and tile. Wallpaper can add a beautiful contact to a rest room but avoid utilizing big, busy designs. Instead, choose a smaller sized pattern with a tone on tone colour palette. Select one wall to apply the wallpaper to and paint the remaining partitions a similar color.

To heighten the ceiling use a white or off white paint color. If white is not perfect for your style, select a paint color that is a couple of shades lighter than the color of the partitions.

With all this being said, bold or darker colours can still be used in the colour scheme of a little bathroom. Attempt integrating the use of darker colours in accents. This could consist of accent wall tiles, towels, soap dispensers and any other accessories.

There are numerous various methods to incorporate the use of mirrors into a small region, which is another fantastic way to visually expand small bathroom styles. Depending on the format of your space think about applying a complete peak mirror to an whole wall or deliver a tile up the wall approximately 36? high and use a mirror from tile to ceiling.

With these little bathroom ideas you can make your rest room look noticeably bigger then it is in reality!

for more tips on a great bathroom eithersee our website or
click here


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Seth MacFarlane, 'Ted' Writers Land Live-Action Pilot With Fox


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Managing soil copper in crops irrigated with cattle footbath wastewater

Managing soil copper in crops irrigated with cattle footbath wastewater [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Sep-2012
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Contact: Ann Perry
United States Department of Agriculture - Research, Education and Economics

This press release is available in Spanish.

Getting a head start on stopping soil copper buildup will now be a bit easier, thanks to studies by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists. This research could help Pacific Northwest farmers develop long-term irrigation management strategies to protect crops from potentially dangerous soil copper levels.

Scientists with USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) conducted a laboratory investigation to assess how copper levels in wastewater used for irrigation affected crop performance and soil microbial activities. ARS is USDA's chief intramural scientific research agency, and this work supports the USDA priority of promoting international food security.

The research was carried out by soil scientists Jim Ippolito and David Tarkalson and microbiologist Tom Ducey. Ippolito and Tarkalson work in the ARS Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory in Kimberly, Idaho, and Ducey works at the ARS Coastal Plains Soil, Water and Plant Research Center in Florence, S.C.

Copper sulfate baths are used to prevent foot infections in dairy cattle, and the discarded foot bath is often recycled to irrigate corn and alfalfa crops. The scientists surveyed alfalfa growth and development in soils containing different levels of total copper. Copper sulfate at soil levels of up to 250 parts per million (ppm) had no effect on alfalfa growth, but alfalfa growth stopped when soil copper sulfate levels exceeded 500 ppm.

The team also discovered that beneficial soil bacterial activity declined when test soils accumulated available soil copper levels above 50 ppm. Further analysis indicated that soil levels above 63 ppm of plant-available copper resulted in alfalfa copper concentrations that could potentially harm grazing livestock, according to National Research Council guidelines.

Ippolito notes that in real-world conditions, soil copper accumulations and impacts will vary, depending on a range of factors. In addition, negative impacts might not be observed for anywhere from 15 to 75 years after irrigation begins.


Read more about this research in the September 2012 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Managing soil copper in crops irrigated with cattle footbath wastewater [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Sep-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Ann Perry
United States Department of Agriculture - Research, Education and Economics

This press release is available in Spanish.

Getting a head start on stopping soil copper buildup will now be a bit easier, thanks to studies by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists. This research could help Pacific Northwest farmers develop long-term irrigation management strategies to protect crops from potentially dangerous soil copper levels.

Scientists with USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) conducted a laboratory investigation to assess how copper levels in wastewater used for irrigation affected crop performance and soil microbial activities. ARS is USDA's chief intramural scientific research agency, and this work supports the USDA priority of promoting international food security.

The research was carried out by soil scientists Jim Ippolito and David Tarkalson and microbiologist Tom Ducey. Ippolito and Tarkalson work in the ARS Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory in Kimberly, Idaho, and Ducey works at the ARS Coastal Plains Soil, Water and Plant Research Center in Florence, S.C.

Copper sulfate baths are used to prevent foot infections in dairy cattle, and the discarded foot bath is often recycled to irrigate corn and alfalfa crops. The scientists surveyed alfalfa growth and development in soils containing different levels of total copper. Copper sulfate at soil levels of up to 250 parts per million (ppm) had no effect on alfalfa growth, but alfalfa growth stopped when soil copper sulfate levels exceeded 500 ppm.

The team also discovered that beneficial soil bacterial activity declined when test soils accumulated available soil copper levels above 50 ppm. Further analysis indicated that soil levels above 63 ppm of plant-available copper resulted in alfalfa copper concentrations that could potentially harm grazing livestock, according to National Research Council guidelines.

Ippolito notes that in real-world conditions, soil copper accumulations and impacts will vary, depending on a range of factors. In addition, negative impacts might not be observed for anywhere from 15 to 75 years after irrigation begins.


Read more about this research in the September 2012 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Being a minor and legally accepting payments online? - Web ...



Join Date: May 2010

Posts: 10

I'm under 18, but I'm ready to start an online business - specifically a company that specializes in getting other young internet users their own custom websites.

I have the funds required to start such a business, but I'm worried about legally accepting payments online. My parents would be willing to sign off on anything, but not willing to use their own accounts for anything (eg. making their PayPal into a business account with their name on it) - don't ask me why, they just aren't willing to do that.

I already have a PayPal Student account, but from what I've read in their TOS and from other people online is that I can't operate a business with that account - that I run a high risk of being limited.

Does anyone have suggestions from payment processors that allow minors to take payments as a business? Thanks in advance



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You might just have to wait until you're 18

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You'll need to have a parent or legal guardian obtain the gateway accounts. The only way around this that I am aware of is to be emancipated, but you'd want to talk to an attorney and, honestly, I wouldn't recommend that route.

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Since you are not 18 and assuming you are from USA , you can not legally sign any contract nor own any business. Thus you can not accept payment online ( and offline in various situation).
I would suggest you to hold onto your fund and wait till you are legally mature .


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The way to do this is to have a legal entity.

Then you provide your business details, EIN etc. Certain areas allow states to be registered at lower age levels so just research.

Just find a place to register with no age req. =)

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From what I hear you can do is to get your parents to register your business and you be the only employee of that until you're 18 when you'll then be legally allowed to "take over" the business.



Join Date: May 2010

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Hm, perhaps I phrased my OP wrong. I don't really want to register an official business, but I want to be able to accept maybe 50 transactions a month, and then be able to use that money.

Is there a way I could do this by myself?

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Hm, perhaps I phrased my OP wrong. I don't really want to register an official business, but I want to be able to accept maybe 50 transactions a month, and then be able to use that money.

Is there a way I could do this by myself?

I would honestly recommend that you do register a business. Especially if you're selling something.

Would your parents not be happy about being the "account holder" for the PayPal account where from their it can be linked to your bank, card and what not?

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Hm, perhaps I phrased my OP wrong. I don't really want to register an official business, but I want to be able to accept maybe 50 transactions a month, and then be able to use that money.

Is there a way I could do this by myself?

Considering you would have to pay taxes etc. You should really know what you are doing. You could also be putting your parents in a liability situation.
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Our 16 year old twin daughters and our 13 year old daughter own an internet radio station that's been in operation since 2004, previously owned by their older sisters that are now married.

They have a bank account with us as the co signers on the account. They also have a Paypal account that's in our names dba as the name of their radio station.They have a membership for their radio station based on membership donation.

Their mom and I control the finances of their business. For them to write a check one of us have to co sign the check. We've had no issues with them and with the profits they're making all of that is going into their college funds as a tax free investment.

The way we're handling things is teaching them they must take care of their money, run their business legally, cannot waste their money, accounting, banking and straight up business management.

If you're under the legal age to own a business then I would suggest you get some adult help and learn some smart business practices from them, or you may end up being an also ran and hiding from your clients.

Good luck on your business venture.

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Recreation and sports: Manual For Bicycle Shoppers - Ariel Harvey's ...

Purchasing a ?bicycle can ?look like an ?effortless enough ?job without any ?drawbacks or ?long term glitches. As ?straightforward a ?method as it may seem to be, buying a ?bicycle is more involving than ?just simply ?heading to hardware or ?bicycle ?stores and ?picking the one you want, ?based on color, ?measurements or design. This ?write-up will ?seek to ?provide a novice ?biker's guide to prospective bike ?purchasers and point out ?important ?factors to ?think of before ?getting one.

Bicycles ?are available in different ?forms, ?styles and ?dimensions and are ?geared up for a variety of ?operations. There are ?various ?kinds of ?bicycle to ?pick from and some of the ?elements to ?think about before ?arriving at a final ?selection on which one to ?purchase include where you will ?use your ?bike, what you will ?utilize the ?bike for, how ?frequent you will ride it and whether you have any ?physical health ?problems, amongst others. These are but a ?handful of pointers to ?take into account. These and ?a lot more ?factors to consider will guide you into what ?kind of ?bicycle to buy. It is ?essential to answer all these ?queries before ?getting your bicycle, as these will ?enlighten your ?judgment on which ?sort of bicycle to ?buy .

?Various ?kinds of ?bikes serve different ?features and ?have different ?functions. The cargo bicycles come ?geared up with a cargo carrier and are more balanced to ?allow you to ?hold cargo as you cycle. The ?mtb or BMX bikes as they are popularly known are more suitable for mountaineering and hiking - they also come in handy for uneven off ?route ?surfaces or for bad ?routes. Their ?style and make can take harsh and ?jagged terrain. ?Convenience ?bikes are ?excellent for your everyday and ?normal cycling either for ?health and fitness or for going to work purposes. They come handy for that ?swift cycling to the ?stores ?to buy ?breadstuff or for an early ?daytime ?physical fitness ?biking exercise. These are just a few ?samples of ?kinds of bicycles to consider.

When ?getting a ?bike, it is ?crucial to take the ?dealers advice with some caution. Every seller ?desires to clear their stock and when it ?pertains to ?bikes, you are ?likely to be ?informed that their bikes on display or stock are the ?greatest. Do your own research if possible, shop around and find out more, before ?purchasing, to avoid future disappointment and ?owning a ?bike that does not ?serve for your ?demands and ?passions . ?One more ?aspect to consider is the ?rate of the ?bicycle you ?desire to ?get. If it costs an arm and a leg, it does not ?always ?imply that it is the best on the ?industry. If the ?rate almost ?match-up that of a scooter, chances are you are ?much better off with a ?motorcycle than a bicycle.

Having highlighted a ?couple of ?points to ?think about when buying a bike, the ?decision is now yours. To be ?updated beforehand ?assists you to get ahead.


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Tottenham ace still wanted in West London

Queens Park Rangers will look into bringing Michael Dawson to Loftus Road in January after failing to secure him in the summer according to boss Mark Hughes.

Rangers have made a poor start to the season after lots of changes to their squad over the past few months, but it seems Hughes is already planning more deals for the club in the new year and the out of favour Tottenham defender is top of his wish list.

?Maybe Michael?s situation had happened too quickly for him to understand what his future is at Spurs,? Hughes told the Daily Mirror.

?We took it as far as we were able to and he would have been a good acquisition but it wasn?t to be.?

?In January that might be different if he is still out of the team, but we may have moved on by then.?

?There?s been a big turnover in players but he has replaced those who have left with players of the same level.?


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Despite A Decline South Africa Still Remains The "World Rape Capital"

KaMagwaza-Msibi welcomed an overall decrease in crime reflected in the latest statistics released by Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa on Thursday, and she added sexual crimes were not always reported.

"We call on the government to provide safe shelters for the elderly and orphans, especially in rural areas, as these sections of our population are the most vulnerable to sexual crimes," KaMagwaza-Msibi said.



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Former Pirates owner tells Times he's gay

NEW YORK (AP) ? Kevin McClatchy, the former owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates and now the board chairman at the McClatchy Company newspaper chain, has told The New York Times he is gay.

The interview in the Times on Sunday is the 49-year-old McClatchy's first public acknowledgement of his sexual orientation.

No athlete in the four major U.S. professional sports leagues ? football, baseball, basketball, hockey ? has come out while playing. Longtime NBA executive Rick Welts, then with the Phoenix Suns, drew attention last year for announcing he is gay.

McClatchy owned the Pirates from 1996 until 2007. He tells the Times that "you're not going to solve any problem until you start a dialogue. And there's no dialogue right now."


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