Thursday, June 6, 2013

You Ask we Answer: Can Eggs be Part of a Balanced, Heart-Healthy ...

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You Ask we Answer: Can Eggs be Part of a Balanced, Heart-Healthy Diet?




According to reports in the media and a lot of hearsay eggs are full of bad cholesterol, which is bad for the body. But is it really true? Not egg-xactly.


Eggs are a cheap storehouse of protein, healthy fats, folic acid and essential vitamins. Each egg provides two third of daily recommended intake on cholesterol (200 milligrams). For most people, cholesterol in food has little effect on cholesterol in the bloodstream. Blood-borne cholesterol is a major contributor to artery-clogging plaque, but most of that originates in the liver.


As mentioned on Wikipedia, in the largest study looking directly at the relationship between egg consumption and heart disease showed no link between eating upto one egg a day and the risk of developing heart diseases or having a stroke. ?Exceptions to that egg-a-day maximum are people who have diabetes. The cholesterol in egg yolks seems to increase their chances of getting heart diseases, so people with any type of diabetes should limit themselves to two or three egg yolks a week, although there?s no restriction on egg whites.??


More than 40 years of research has shown that healthy adults, as part of a well balanced diet, eat eggs without significantly impacting their risk of heart disease. Disha Jhaveri, Dietician with Global Hospital, Parel emphasises on moderation consumption i.e: prefer low fat preparations alternate days a week. ?The Choline : a watersoluble essential nutrient in eggs does act as an anti-inflammatory agent and thus can help to boost the cardiovasular system (AJCN research articles)?, points Disha.


For cardiovascular health, limiting saturated fats, refined grains, and trans fats will do more to your heart and arteries than fretting about eggs. In fact eggs can be healthy alternative to donuts, muffins, sugary cereals and keep you feeling full longer alternative.





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