Saturday, June 8, 2013

The 16 Districts of Earth

(Keep in mind, oceans can't be seen in space because they are covered by floating cities, the entire surface of the planet is a mega-city with a massive under-city beneath it and the different districts are each governed by a Corporate Governor.)

TOTAL POPULATION: 38 billion people

North Americana District
Population: 3.3 billion

South Americana District
Population: 2.4 billion

Central Caribbean District
Population: 1.4 billion

European District
Population: 2.5 billion

Africana District
Population: 3.2 billion

Western Asiatic District
Population: 1.2 billion

North Asiatic District
Population: 1.4 billion

Eastern Asiatic District
Population: 3.5 billion

Southern Asiatic District
(Includes the indian ocean region)
Population: 3.6 billion

North Atlantic District
Population: 1.4 billion

South Atlantic District
Population: 1.2 billion

Australian District
(Includes the surrounding oceana regions)
Population: 2.6 billion

North Pacifica District
Population: 2.1 billion

South Pacifica District
Population: 2.4 billion

Antarctican District
Population: 1.1 billion

Arctic District
Population: 1.5 billion


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