Monday, October 15, 2012

Is Flash or HTML5 better for online gaming?

Posted by Guest Author on Sunday, October 14, 2012 ? Leave a Comment

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With gaming ? particularly at online casino sites like the Ladbrokes one ? being such a popular activity these days the competition between the rival multimedia platforms, Flash Player and HTML5, to dominate this particular area of the market is intense. When it comes to this Flash have several advantages over HTML5 ? not least in the fact that it has been around a lot longer and thus has had time to cement its place in the market, but there are signs that HTML5 may be closing the gap on its rival. So which is actually the better option for online gaming?

Well the answer is that it depends on what is most important to you when it comes to the gaming experience. If the biggest priority for you is to have the biggest choice of compatible games available then there can be little question that Flash Player represents the better option for you. Partly because it has simply been around a lot longer than HTML5 there are currently a lot more compatible games for Flash Player than there are for HTML5 ? with the difference being in the region of 100,000 compared with a few hundred. That?s a pretty big disparity, and it is probably the major reason why Flash remains the top choice for many online gamers.
On the other hand, if you are playing a game that requires greater concentration over a longer period of time ? say poker at a site like ? then you may well find that HTML5 offers a better option. Flash player has been plagued with a number of technical problems, and the platform is known to crash quite regularly, which will make playing online poker using it a rather risky proposition. Therefore, when deciding which platform offers you the best option for online gaming it is likely to come down to what type of game you are playing.


Garrett Reid shawn johnson Tony Sly Lauren Perdue tagged weather radar Heptathlon

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