Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ipswich Business over Breakfast (BoB Club), Last Anchor Bar and ...

This successful business networking club in Ipswich meets every two weeks on a Tuesday. For those of you who may have tried networking before and felt under pressure to refer each week, try BoB Networking as we concentrate on quality referrals rather than quantity at our meetings. So come along and try our lively group and learn more about how Networking through BoB clubs can help both you and your business.

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PECHANGA: Isaak bringing the 'Sun' with him on current tour

Chris Isaak will perform songs from his new record, "Beyond the Sun," at his Aug. 11 concert at Pechanga Resort & Casino.

Chris Isaak will perform songs from his new record, ?Beyond the Sun,? at his Aug. 11 concert at Pechanga Resort & Casino. COURTESY OF SCOTT NEWTON

Chris Isaak knows what he is.

?I put a lot of value on being a performer and entertainer, and some people go, ?I?m an artist,? the rest of us, we?re singers and entertainers,? Isaak said from the road in Phoenix, Ariz. ?To me, I am proud of the fact that everyone is out there having a good time. Not everyone out there came to see me in concert, I know that. And the biggest compliment I get is people saying, ?I didn?t know who you were, but I had a great time, I?m coming back.??

Isaak is being modest, a lot of people know exactly who he is. All you have to do is harken back to the ultra sexy music video for the 1989 single, ?Wicked Game,? featuring Helena Christensen. He?s been featured in movie roles, had a TV show and has been all over the music business.

The ladies love Isaak, and he has to be well aware of that sex appeal when you see him on stage. But, in speaking with him, its less about being sexy and exclusively about putting on a show.

?We dress up like James Brown?s Famous flames and we dance on stage and do moves ? nobody does moves together as a band anymore,? he said. ?We get people up on stage and dance around, get out into the crowd, and we keep changing it up. It is important you know, when I go see a band and they just sing a song and then sing the next song, to me, that gets really old pretty quick.?

His ?Baby Did a Bad, Bad Thing? was featured in Stanley Kubrick?s final film, ?Eyes Wide Shut,? and singles ?Life Will Go On? and ?Two Hearts? were also featured in films, and certainly, if you come to his Aug. 11 show at Pechanga Resort & Casino, you will hear some of those famous tunes. In addition, he will be cranking out tunes from his latest record, ?Beyond the Sun,? a tribute to the glory days of Sun Records, featuring songs by Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and more.

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?That music really is the music that pushed me over that threshold that maybe that?s what I do want to do for a living,? Isaak said. ?When I started off, I was living in a small town, my dad was driving a forklift, mom working in a potato chip factory. Being in the music business just seemed like a fantasy. But that music was so good and moved me so much, even though I had no idea how to get there, there were no maps to buy, I said, ?I?m going.??

More than catapulting him toward the music business, it was an essential part of his life growing up and his relationship with his family.

?My dad had all those records growing up, we had a box of records in our house and we just wore them out,? Isaak said. ?When I made this record, my dad was real sick and he?s since passed away two years now, but I?m glad he heard it before he passed away. He listened to it and when he got done, and my dad always only talked to my mom and she would translate, he said to her, ?That?s the way I would have sung it.? For me, it was a really good feeling. And for him, it had to be, ?Here?s my kid listening to my music.? He knew he had an influence on me.?

Now 57 years old, Isaak is looking toward the future, and it includes performing music as long as he?s allowed.

?I was just talking to my bass player and my drummer, we?ve had the band for 30 years, I said, ?We gotta keep healthy because I?d like to keep playing until I just fall over,?? he said. ?It is the most fun I have and it is something I?m good at, and as long as people want see it, I want to keep doing it.

?If you have ever been in a band with people you like, you don?t want to give it up. One time I was helping to induct Bob Wills into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and he had bought a bunch of property and he told his band, ?Hey, we can all build houses right next to each other, that way when we retire, we can all play music together.? I just love that about him and I can relate.?

One of those bandmates is longtime drummer Kenney Dale Johnson who is battling Leukemia and someone Isaak misses greatly on the current tour.

?Leukemia, man, that?s a scary word when you hear it,? Isaak said. ?But we?re trying to get him out here and at least come out and play a little, and so far he?s doing great. I told him he has to come back, because I?m paying him.?

7 p.m. Aug. 11
Pechanga Theater, Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000 Pechanga Parkway, Temecula
877-711-2946 or


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Friday, August 2, 2013

20th annual Jamie Hill Memorial Golf Tournament

Press release submitted by city of Bettendorf

BETTENDORF: The 20th Annual Jamie Hill Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, August 24 at Palmer Hills Golf Course. The tournament is sponsored by the Friends of Bettendorf Parks Foundation, Advance Homes, and Isle of Capri Casino.

4-Person preferred ball, open to first 36 paid teams to register. Limited spots for foursomes are left, so don't hesitate to get registered for this event with an 8:00 A.M. shotgun start.

Give it your best shot Hole-in-One Prize, win $10,000 cash.

$75.00 per person (includes Mulligans and Skins) $80.00 after August 1.

Price includes awards presentation, dinner and beverages, greens fees and golf cart and prizes.

Proceeds will go to the Friends of Bettendorf Parks Foundation.

For reservations and information, call 563-332-8296.


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Feminists exclude Weiner, Filner from worst women's rights ...

The National Organization for Women released their ?gallery of worse offenders when it comes to women?s rights? in an email to supporters Thursday.

All the offenders, according to NOW?s list, are Republicans. Noticeably absent from the gallery, however, are San Diego Democratic Mayor Bob Filner and New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner.

Eight women have accused Filner of sexual harassment, including inappropriate touching. Weiner recently admitted to continuing to engage in sexting even after resigning from Congress in 2011 for similar activities.

Filner has refused to resign and Weiner says he is staying in the race for mayor.

NOW?s worst women?s rights offenders gallery focuses solely on pro-life Republican men. ?Let?s keep our reproductive rights in our hands, not in the hands of these men!? NOW introduces the gallery.

In addition to their pro-life viewpoints, some of these Republican politicians are on the list also due to their stances on sexual assault in the military, gay rights, pay equity and Violence Against Women Act.

?The Republican leadership?s anti-woman agenda is so unpopular with most voters that they have resorted to a stealth strategy ? such as attaching anti-choice bills to unrelated measures, or using misleading rhetoric to defend their extremist legislation,? NOW president Terry O?Neill wrote in the email to supporters Thursday. ?You can help expose their covert tactics by reviewing our gallery of offenders, sharing the images with your network and taking action today.?

The list includes: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, Texas Rep. Michael Burgess, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and E.W. Jackson, a candidate for Virginia lieutenant governor.

While the national NOW did not include Filner and Weiner in their gallery of worst women?s rights offenders NOW?s chapters in San Deigo and New York have voiced disappointment in Filner and called on Weiner to drop out of the race.

?We endorsed him with very high hopes of what he would do for women,? Gloria Johnson, president of San Diego NOW told CNN?s Gut Check. ?But we are disappointed in what we know about his recent actions.?

She added that she ?and the majority of NOW members agree? that he does not have NOW?s support.

?Ending harassment on the job is one of NOW?s top priorities,? Johnson said.

New York?s NOW chapter called for Weiner to drop out of the race shortly after he admitted to post-resignation sexting.

?As if we didn?t already have enough evidence of Anthony Weiner?s utter lack of judgment, impulse control and honesty, these latest revelations show the degree to which his candidacy distracts us from the important business of choosing the next leader of New York City,? Sonia Ossorio, President of NOW-NYC, said in a statement. ?He is clearly and compellingly unfit for public office and the sooner comes to this realization, the better for the people of New York.?

NOW did not immediately respond to request for comment.

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Russia gives Snowden asylum, Obama-Putin summit in doubt

By Timothy Heritage and Steve Holland

MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia rejected U.S. pleas and granted American fugitive Edward Snowden a year's asylum on Thursday, letting the former spy agency contractor slip out of a Moscow airport after more than five weeks in limbo while angering the United States and putting in doubt a planned summit between the two nations' presidents.

The United States wanted Russia to send Snowden home to face criminal charges including espionage for disclosing in June secret American internet and telephone surveillance programs. The White House signaled that President Barack Obama may boycott a September summit with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Snowden, whose disclosures triggered an international furor over the reach of U.S. spy operations as part of its counterterrorism efforts, thanked Russia for his temporary asylum and declared that "the law is winning."

Anatoly Kucherena, Snowden's Russian lawyer, said the 30-year-old had found shelter in a private home of American expatriates.

Putin's move aggravated relations with the United States that were already strained by Russian support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in that country's bloody civil war and a host of other issues.

"We see this as an unfortunate development and we are extremely disappointed by it," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters in Washington. "We are evaluating the utility of a summit, in light of this and other issues, but I have no announcement today on that.

Other high-level U.S.-Russian talks were also put in doubt.

Discussions planned for next week between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and their Russian counterparts are now "up in the air," according to a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor, has avoided the hordes of reporters trying to find him since he landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport from Hong Kong on June 23. He gave them the slip again as he left the transit area where he had been holed up.

State television showed Snowden, wearing a backpack and a blue button-up shirt, getting into a gray car at the airport, driven by a young man in a baseball cap.

"Over the past eight weeks we have seen the Obama administration show no respect for international or domestic law but in the end the law is winning," Snowden, whose first leaks were published two months ago, was quoted as saying by the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy group, which has assisted him.

"I thank the Russian Federation for granting me asylum in accordance with its laws and international obligations."

Grainy images on state television showed Snowden's document, which is similar to a Russian passport, and revealed that he had been granted asylum for a year from July 31.


"He is the most wanted man on planet Earth," Kucherena told Reuters.

Kucherena said Snowden wanted to rent an apartment and find work in Russia, and had no immediate plans to leave.

Snowden, who had his U.S. passport revoked by Washington, had bided his time in the transit area between the runway and passport control, which Russia considers neutral territory.

"He needs to work. He is not a rich man, and the money that he had, he has of course, spent on food," said Kucherena, who sits on two high-profile Russian government advisory bodies.

"Snowden is an expert, a very high-level expert, and I am receiving letters from companies and citizens who would eagerly give him a job. He will not have any problems," the lawyer said.

Snowden already has been offered a job by Russia's top social networking site.

A pledge not to publish more information that could harm the United States was the condition under which Putin said Snowden could receive safe harbor. "Edward assured me that he is not planning to publish any documents that blacken the American government," Kucherena said.

Snowden was accompanied by Sarah Harrison, a WikiLeaks legal researcher. "We would like to thank the Russian people and all those others who have helped to protect Mr. Snowden. We have won the battle - now the war," WikiLeaks said on Twitter.

"I am so thankful to the Russian nation and President Vladimir Putin," the American's father, Lonnie Snowden, told Russian state television.

Bruce Fein, an attorney for Lonnie Snowden, spoke twice on Thursday with Kucherena. The discussions were about Edward Snowden's safety - "he is fine" - and about arranging a visit to Russia by Snowden's father and his legal team to see his son, a source familiar with the discussions told Reuters.

Lonnie Snowden has not had direct contact with his son yet and "nobody knows where he (Edward) is," the source said.

The visit to Russia could occur in the next three weeks or so, the source said.


Prominent U.S. lawmakers - Republicans and Democrats - condemned Russia's action and urged Obama to take stern retaliatory steps beyond the issue of the September summit.

It is not clear whether Obama might also consider a boycott of the G20 summit in Russia in September, immediately after the planned summit with Putin, or of the Winter Olympics, which Russia will host in the city of Sochi next February.

"Russia has stabbed us in the back, and each day that Mr. Snowden is allowed to roam free is another twist of the knife," said Senator Chuck Schumer, a close Obama ally and fellow Democrat who urged Obama to recommend moving out of Russia the summit of G20 leaders planned for St. Petersburg.

Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, already sharp critics of Putin, called Russia's action a disgrace and a deliberate effort to embarrass the United States. They said the United States should retaliate by pushing for completion of all missile-defense programs in Europe and moving for another expansion of NATO to include Russian neighbor Georgia.

Kremlin foreign policy aide Yuri Ushakov played down concerns about the impact on relations with the United States.

"Our president has ... expressed hope many times that this will not affect the character of our relations," he said.

Snowden hopes to avoid the same fate as Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army soldier convicted on Tuesday on criminal charges including espionage and theft related to releasing classified data through WikiLeaks.

Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela have offered Snowden refuge, but there are no direct commercial flights to Latin America from Moscow and he is concerned the United States would intercept any flight he takes.

Snowden also has received a marriage proposal via Twitter from Anna Chapman, the glamorous former agent who was deported to Russia from the United States in a Cold-War style spy swap in 2010.

Putin has said he wants to improve relations with the United States amid differences over the Syrian civil war, his treatment of political opponents and foreign-funded non-governmental organizations. He would have risked looking weak if he had handed Snowden over to the U.S. authorities.

More than half of Russians have a positive opinion of Snowden and 43 percent wanted him to be granted asylum, a poll released by independent research group Levada said this week.

(Additional reporting by Alissa de Carbonnel, Gabriela Baczynska, Alexei Anishchuk, Katya Golubkova and Gleb Stolyarov in Moscow, Mark Felsenthal and Tabassum Zakaria in Washington, and Andrew Osborn in London, Editing by Will Dunham and Jim Loney)


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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Egypt: Protesters gather to demand Morsi's ouster

CAIRO (AP) ? Thousands of opponents and supporters of Egypt's Islamist president began massing in city squares in competing rallies Sunday, gearing up for a day of massive nationwide protests that many fear could turn deadly as the opposition seeks to push out Mohammed Morsi.

Waving Egyptian flags, crowds descended on Tahrir Square in the heart of Cairo, one of multiple sites in Cairo and around the country where they plan rallies.

On the other side of Cairo, thousands of the Islamist leader's backers gathered not far from the presidential palace in a show of support.

The demonstrations on Sunday, the anniversary of Morsi's inauguration as Egypt's first freely elected leader, are the culmination of growing polarization since he took office.

The president is joined in one camp by his Islamist allies, including the Muslim Brotherhood and more hard-line groups. The other is an array of secular and liberal Egyptians as well as moderate Muslims and Christians ? and what the opposition says is a broad sector of the general public that has turned against the Islamists.

There is a sense among opponents and supporters of Morsi that Sunday's rally is a make-or-break day, hiking worries of violence. Already at least seven people, including an American, have been killed in clashes between the two camps over the past week, mainly in Nile Delta cities and the coastal city of Alexandria.

The opposition believes that with sheer numbers in the street, it can pressure Morsi to step down ? perhaps with the added weight of the powerful military if it signals the president should go. But Islamists have vowed to defend Morsi.

In an interview published Sunday in The Guardian, Morsi said he had no plans to meet the protesters' demand for early presidential election.

"If we changed someone in office who (was elected) according to constitutional legitimacy ? well, there will (be) people or opponents opposing the new president too, and a week or a month later, they will ask him to step down," Morsi told the British daily.

"There is no room for any talk against this constitutional legitimacy," he said.

As the crowds swelled in Tahrir, birthplace of the 2011 uprising that toppled Mubarak, traffic in the normally capital's normally clogged streets was light at midday as many residents chose to stay home for fear of violence. Banks were closing early and most government departments were either closed for the day or were thinly staffed.

Thousands of Morsi's supporters have staged a sit-in since Friday in front of the Rabia al-Adawiya Mosque near the Ittihadiya presidential palace. In the evening, anti-Morsi crowds plan to march on the palace, and Morsi supporters have vowed to defend it if it is attacked.

The opposition protests emerge from a petition campaign by a youth activist group known as Tamarod, Arabic for "rebel." For several months, the group has been collecting signatures on a call for Morsi to step down. On Saturday the group announced it had more than 22 million signatures ? proof, it claims, that a broad sector of the public no longer wants Morsi in office.

It was not possible to verify the claim. Morsi's supporters have questioned the authenticity and validity of the signatures, but have produced no evidence of fraud.

Morsi, who has three years left in his presidential term, claims that Mubarak loyalists are behind the planned protests. His supporters say Tamarod is a cover for thugs loyal to Mubarak.

The 22 million signatures, while they have no legal weight, deal a symbolic blow to Morsi at a time when he is widely seen by Egyptians to have failed to tackle the country's most pressing problems, from surging crime rates and high unemployment to fuel shortages and power outages.

If verified, the number of people who signed the petition calling on Morsi to step down would be nearly twice the number who voted for him a year ago in a run-off that he won with around 52 percent of the vote.

Adding to his troubles, eight lawmakers from the country's interim legislature announced their resignation Saturday to protest Morsi's policies. The 270-seat chamber was elected early last year by less than 10 percent of Egypt's eligible voters, and is dominated by Islamists.

A legal adviser to Morsi also announced his resignation late Saturday in protest of what he said was Morsi's insult of judges in his latest speech on Wednesday.

With a sense of doom hanging over the country, Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi last week gave the president and his opponents a week to reach a compromise and warned that the military would intervene to prevent the nation from entering a "dark tunnel."

Morsi had called for national reconciliation talks in a Wednesday speech but offered no specifics. Opposition leaders dismissed the call as cosmetics.

Asked by The Guardian whether he was confident that the army would not intervene if the country becomes ungovernable, Morsi replied, "Very."

The Egyptian leader, however, said he did not know in advance of el-Sissi's last week's comments.


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BlueStacks Adds A Free Hardware Option To Its ?Netflix For Gaming' With GamePop Mini

GamePop MiniMobile virtualization startup BlueStacks only recently revealed the GamePop, its mobile home gaming console that offers all-you-can play gaming for a flat monthly fee, but it's already expanding the line. Today, the company is announcing GamePop Mini, a version of the GamePop that offers completely free hardware with a standard $6.99 monthly GamePop service subscription, with smaller hardware that's yours to keep after 12 months even if you decide to cancel your GamePop account.


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